
我们在多样性研究和咨询方面拥有丰富的经验, 股权和包容性(DEI)投资. 我们可以与您一起定义多样性对您的组织意味着什么, 将其整合到您的投资组合和投资决策过程中. We can help you enact positive change while helping you achieve your business goals.


作为更广泛的可持续投资战略的一部分, integrating a DEI lens into your decision-making process allows you to align your portfolios with your organisational mission and values. It also positions you to achieve long-term sustainable returns and help drive change that could ultimately benefit us all.

Research shows that organisations exhibiting strong DEI credentials perform better. It's clear that a more diverse, equitable and inclusive work environment boosts innovation.

DEI is an important consideration in any sustainable investment strategy, but key challenges remain. 执行投资过程的所有方面都需要大量的资源. In particular, it takes time to identify and gain access to the best DEI managers. 这是我们可以帮忙的地方.

我们对DEI问题的专有研究和深入分析始于2007年. 今天, our approach in this area is designed to unearth the most compelling opportunities that will best suit your goals while promoting positive change. 无论您在DEI投资之旅的哪个阶段, 我们可以帮助您定义多样性对您的组织意味着什么. We can also show you how to integrate it within your portfolio and investment decision-making process.





More than 34% of minority-owned private equity firms are top-quartile performers.


Companies with higher-than-average diversity achieved 19% higher innovation revenues.


Companies in the top quartile for racial/ethnic diversity are 35% more likely to surpass their peers.


Companies in the top quartile for gender diversity are 15% more likely to surpass their peers.


This involves finding and investing with managers who have the potential to deliver quality outcomes while meeting meaningful DEI goals. Our research team's global scale allows to work with clients to source and connect with managers aligned with your overall DEI and financial objectives.

市场正朝着增加投资组合多样性的方向发展. Institutional investors therefore have an opportunity to embrace this shift and capture the opportunities it offers. 我们提供研究, advice and solutions that can help you achieve your unique governance-model goals and investment objectives.

我们相信建立一个平衡的投资组合,包括强大的, diverse managers at all stages of their development (including emerging managers and more established managers) has the potential to generate attractive risk-adjusted returns.

在构建投资组合时,经理选择是一个关键的组成部分, 但如今市场上有数百家不同的基金经理, 做出选择可能会让人不知所措. 我们强大的资源来源, manager research and due diligence process could help you identify those managers that we believe will consistently and continuously outperform their peers.


无论你在DEI之旅的哪个阶段, 我们可以帮助您制定计划,帮助您实现目标.
  1. 定义多样性对你意味着什么
    多样性对不同的投资者意味着不同的东西, 所以第一步是定义它对你意味着什么. We can help you understand the potential benefits and challenges linked to different DEI qualifiers. This will ensure your policy supports the direction you want to go without being too cumbersome or limiting to your portfolio. 例如, 一些客户只关注公司的所有权构成, 而其他则包括关键决策者的组成.
  2. 建立一个过程和计划 
    第二步是定义明确的DEI投资目标, 以及支持这些目标所需的过程和程序. 这通常需要修改投资政策声明. 例如, some clients use an actual percentage goal for capital committed to DEI managers, 而其他人则使用更广泛的指导. It's also important to establish measurement mechanisms to evaluate and understand your progress towards your DEI goals.
  3. 实施你的计划
    如今,市场上有数百只多元化的基金. 我们进行持续的研究,以帮助您快速了解市场, and we help you create customised searches to identify opportunities that fit your specific DEI criteria. Our dedicated DEI researchers provide curated manager expertise to help ensure you can execute your investment plans.